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How Can A Hot Tub Impact My Work Life?


If you work a high-stress job, you understand the how the daily (or let’s be honest, hourly) stress of seemingly endless emails, phone calls and demands of the job can take a toll on your body and mind. Stress can cause reduced energy levels, tense muscles, and can prevent you from doing your best work. Does this sound like you? You’re probably starting to think the only way to avoid stress is to quit your job altogether! Before you start to draft a resignation letter, try adding some new activities to your life that allow you to de-stress and increase energy levels.

A soak in a hot tub can provide a welcome relief from the chaos of the day. But did you know that a relaxing soak can also improve your performance when you return to the office? Taking a daily dip in a hot tub can provide a number of health and wellness benefits that can help you improve productivity at work. It could even increase your chances of getting a promotion. From fixing low energy levels to helping you manage stress, here are some of the ways a hot tub can have a positive impact on your work life.

Increased energy

When 2 o’clock hits, are you dragging yourself to the office kitchen for an afternoon rush of sugar or caffeine? Time in a hot tub can help you increase your energy levels and avoid that afternoon slump.

Regular time spent in your spa improves blood circulation and muscle recovery. When blood circulation increases, your blood pressure decreases, and your muscles become more efficient, which can help you feel more energized. With higher energy levels, you can attack your work-day challenges and bring a renewed spirit to your job that will help you stand out and get noticed.

Better sleep

To get the best sleep possible, experts recommend you take time before bed to unplug from your smartphone or laptop and quiet your mind. What better way to do that than with a nice dip in your very own hot tub? By making an evening soak part of your nightly routine, you can sleep better and wake up feeling more refreshed. You can then use that extra energy to take on the day and be more productive at work.

Improved concentration

Demanding jobs contribute to your overall stress levels in a variety of ways, which over the long-term, can negatively impact your physical and mental health. Hot tubs are a great way to relieve stress and improve your personal well-being. Not only that, but the benefits of reduced stress levels stay with you long after you leave your spa. For example, when your stress levels are lower, your concentration improves. This makes it easier to stay on topic and execute on the most important aspects of your job.

More positive outlook

The power of positive thinking is well-documented, and the relaxation you achieve by using a hot tub regularly can help promote positive thoughts. In turn, a positive attitude can help you keep your life and work tasks in perspective, so you feel less overwhelmed by your daily activities. With this improved outlook, it’s easier to step up and volunteer for extra tasks at work, helping you stand out as a team player and a major contributor.

The simple fact is that if you feel better and are more relaxed outside of work, you’ll be able to perform better when you’re back on the clock. Whether you work part-time or non-stop, adding a hot tub to your home can provide a surprising boost to your work and personal life.

To see the difference a hot tub could make in your work life, stop in to your local Caldera dealer today. You can take a wet test and experience the tremendous benefits of hot water immersion for yourself.

For more information on our unique lineup of top-quality hot tubs, download a brochure today.

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