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Caldera Paradise Reunion – 6 Person – SOLD

Caldera Paradise Reunion – 6 Person – SOLD

Caldera Paradise Seychelles in stock. 6 Person, lounge chair, and open seating.

The Seychelles is a mid-sized hot tub with lounge. It seats 6 and boasts a spacious interior, versatile seating and an ample footwell featuring the unique Euphoria® Jet massage and Sole Soothers®. With 43 hydrotherapy jets, this dual pump spa offers a powerful hydrotherapy experience.

Hot Tub In Stock Ready For Delivery!

Shell: Midnight Canyon

Cabinet:  Ash

7′ x 7′ x 36″

7 Person Hot tub

Freshwater Salt System

Spacious Open Seating


more info on Reunion